(cross posted on TechNet)
A few days ago, I attended the Online Community Roundtable where we had some robust discussion about community strategies. Thanks to Bob for stepping up and hosting this session with Forum One. Thanks also to Nancy, Teresa and Bill for posting their notes.
I'll just add a few things that stood out for me:
Nancy White -- when describing some of her work internationally, she mentioned it would take about two years for behaviors to change.
[this reminds me of a recent post by danah boyd where she discusses the changing nature of how actions by youth are manifested rather than the behaviors/motivations of youth changing. No matter what strategies we take with our communities, we all need to be in it for the long haul.]
Frank Jerden -- when talking about the integration of the online TED conference profile with offline interactions, the question of whether or not it matters that event communities are disposable. Sean O'Driscoll brought up a great question on how one would measure the impact of these communities.
[personally, I'm not sure it matters if the online community manifestations are disposable as long as the participants end up deepening those connections through other means.]
Chrystie Hill -- with WebJunction working with communities of librarians. I found it interesting that her problem space is essentially the same as mine -- how do you ensure that folks coming to your experiences find the resources they need quickly to address whatever problem initiated the inquiry in the first place?
As for the key success factors regarding community, the slide/image below is what was discussed. I appreciate any feedback you have on this.
Note -- this is MS scoped, but I think you could find/replace MS with whatever you wanted.
Note -- since the roundtable, this has undergone some more refinement to better incorporate the different community types. More specifically, I believe that a key success factor is the need for a shared understanding of the type of community so all parties involved are ultimately successful at what they are trying to do.
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